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Friday, March 8, 2013

About Me

Once upon a time...I really miss stories that started like that...but my story will be just as good nonetheless. I'm Andrea, a woman that is quietly making her way to the top . My dream, has always been to become a brand , build one, or be associated with one. After ten years I got an inspired idea to follow my heart and intuition which lead me to a small city in Italy and into the arms of my destiny. Almost a year later I am about to launch Belladonna Beach, the sexiest line of swim/resortwear in the world! As you follow this amazing blog, you can follow my journey as I create what I think will change the game of swimwear and as I evolve as a woman, friend, future tycoon, and person. Everyone loves a good love story and i'll definitely get into that later as it ties into how I got here and I break down how my passion became a reality. I'll be using this platform as a candid look into my life and hopefully you'll be able to have some fun with it. I hope that some of the things I'll be sharing will empower and encourage some of you to never be afraid to dream and create the life you want.


  1. Found your blog ! I look forward to watching you @ your company grow ! You are such a beautiful girl ' wishing you nothing but the best life has to offer ! Take the world by storm Andrea !'


  2. I wish you all the same and much more! Here's to an amazing 2013 for us both!!! xxx

  3. I am so very, very happy for you Andy! I will keep you covered in prayers!
